Mobility Safety Meetings and Forums


Next Mobility Safety Meet Up
February 19th starting at 6:30pm
(late arrivals welcomed!)
Sugar Creek Brewing Co., LoSo

let us know you’re coming to the next meeting/get added to our email list-
we won’t spam you, we promise. 


Next City Council Forum:
Feb 24th, 2025!

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center
600 East 4th Street, Charlotte
*no speaking required, this is to show support in the mobility safety mission for the greater Charlotte area!
We have strength in numbers. Please reach out if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!

Runner's Safety Suggestions
Have an idea on how we can make Charlotte a safer place to run, walk, jog? Fill out this short form and let us know!




  • Wear bright colored clothing and reflective gear/lights at dusk/dawn and in the dark.
  • Run facing on-coming traffic.
  • Run on sidewalks whenever possible; always know that sometimes the opposite side of the street may be the safest option.
  • Park in well-lit or populated areas whenever possible if driving to a run location.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Know escape routes and nearby safe zones during all parts of your run in the event of an emergency.
  • Carry some form of self defense. (pepper spray, whistle, something.)
  • Invest in self-defense classes.
  • Invest in a road-ID in the event of a medical emergency.
  • If you see something, SAY SOMETHING. Always report it, even if it is after the fact.
  • Let someone know where you are running or run with a friend. Bring your phone to be able to contact a friend, family member, or 911 quickly.
  • Use caution when crossing streets and within crosswalks.
  •  Avoid playing music too loudly inhibiting all* outside noise.

Safety Gear

Birdie Alarm 
Purchase Here!

Nathan Alarm 
Purchase Here!

Go Guarded Ring
Purchase Here!

NoxGear Vest
Purchase Here!

Pro-Tec Spray
Purchase Here!

Nathan Light
Purchase Here!

Maps to Meetup
(more of these to come!)
Check out the map below to coordinate your run in the same area of a group.

F3 Nation Map

April 2024: Open Forum for Runner’s Safety at Big Chill Event Hall

The fifth forum took place in April where new clubs were represented and we were able to chat with local CMPD officer for the second time. We launched our new name: “Mobility Safety” to help broaden the perspective that this is not just about runners, but a greener, healthier, safer city where everyone can run, walk, move freely outside and feel more at ease on our ever-growing greenways. We learned that no matter what, we should always report any suspicious activity, even if it is after the fact. This helps our local law enforcement to understand where crime is taking place and areas where they may need to patrol more often. Continued efforts in how we can raise money, bring more awareness to the community, and ensure that mobility safety stays at the forefront of our minds, not just when an incident happens forcing us to remember. Following this open forum, several runners attended City Council to speak on the importance of mobility safety and the changes that we want to see and how we, the community, can drive those efforts.


September 2023: Open Forum for Runner’s Safety at Big Chill Event Hall
The fourth forum took place at our new meeting space, Big Chill Event Hall in Dilworth. Go Ahead Events and Sustain CLT were in attendance and informed us on their missions to help drive the mobility safety initiative. From donations from Go Ahead Events to information on petitions we can get involved with to support Sustain CLT’s mission for a safer city. Mobility safety was again followed up by our presence as the city council meeting the following week. 


February 2023: Open Forum for Runner’s Safety at Start 2 Finish Offices
The third forum took place in February. We had the most in attendance thus far with over 20 people, 9 of which were males;  countless run clubs and groups were represented, as well as stores. Fleet Feet Charlotte even brought boxes of handheld alarms to give away and for run club leaders to take home and hand out at their next meeting. Many groups voiced their opinions, ideas, and thoughts on the progress and several run clubs agreed to start talking about runner’s safety at their weekly meetups. 

Click HERE to watch the full clip from Spectrum News. 

Hear Billy Shue speak at 1:43:11 and Lisa Landrum speak at 2:05:00 on Runner’s Safety at Charlotte City Council, October 2022.

December 2022: Open Forum for Runner’s Safety at CCT
The second forum took place in December. A stronger male presence than the first meeting. We recapped on the conversations that were had at City Council on October 24th, delegated responsibilities to those wanting to be more involved, and continue to grow more awareness on ways we can make real change in our city.

Tap the video or click HERE to watch the full clip from Spectrum News. 

October 2022: Open Forum for Runner’s Safety. 
The first forum took place in October where initial ideas were discussed, continued discussion on the recent tragedies, and heartfelt discussions on our reasons why we are coming together. 

Click HERE to watch the full clip from WBTV. 

Click the (red) play button on second video below watch clip from Queen City News. 

For Run Clubs and Meet Up Groups

We encourage all run clubs to read, implement, and revisit these promises regularly for improved safety in our groups.

We promise to have at a minimum an annual discussion with run club members about runner safety. 

We understand runner safety encompasses several few subtopics: best practices, weaponry, self defense, environments, etc.

We promise our run club will do what is within our power to help all runners (especially runners new to the group and visitors) feel safe and not vulnerable while attending our group.

We will consider putting a “buddy program” in place or have a check in-check out board for all runners.

We will encourage all runners to report secluded and/or non-lit areas to the Charlotte Runner Safety Committee.

We will consider attending, as well as making others aware of, Safety Forum dates and ensure everyone knows they are welcome to join!